21 May 2009

today's loot

Found at the Farmer's Market. Two bunches of pink baby's breath, for $4.

Also got two packages of cherry tomotatoes from my favorite vendor, a pair of Japanese ladies. These tomatoes are so flavorful, they don't even need salt. I took a handful and took a bite, and couldn't stop eating them. Half the package disappeared before dinner, and then I ate some more with dinner!

Oh, and their cucumbers.... slender, curvy cucumbers. I gave E one that was in the shape of the letter C, with the two ends almost touching each other. He giggled, asked for a plate and some salt, and then crunched it up in his mouth.

Yum yum.


A "cheery" disposition said...

4 dollars is great deal.. those are so pretty.

cocopuff1212 said...

Hi Cheery,
This week I got tomatoes, cucumbers, and some cherries. The vendor said this was their last week selling cherries -- end of the season!

At the farmers' market the prices aren't always the best (i.e. not always lower compared to the local "gourmet grocery stores"), but the produces are alwasy very, very fresh.